ชื่องานวิจัย : การใช้การแพทย์ทางเลือกของผู้ป่วยอายุรกรรมในจังหวัดสุรินทร์
ผู้แต่ง : วุฒิกนก   วังโน
ชื่อวารสาร : วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ทางเลือก
ปีที่ : 3
ฉบับที่ : 2
ปีที่วิจัย : 2005
หน่วยงาน/องค์กร/สถาบัน(หลัก) : โรงพยาบาลสุรินทร์
บทคัดย่อไทย-อังกฤษ(Abstract) :


The active trend in using thai trasitional and alternative medicine is increasing which is partly due to the searching or the advice from closed friends. The alternative medicine is an unconventional medical treatment. Surin people have been using and studyingthai trasitional and alternative medicine for a long time so the researchers are interested in study the use of alternative medicine, the cause and the result to plan and disseminate the right information to the patients. The methodology of the study is the survey research. The population is the general patients in the hospital in Surin. They have experience in thaitrasitional and alternative medicine. They are over 15 years old. The population includes 1,090 patients. The data is collected in Surin hospital amount 250 patients and community hospital amount 70 patients. The tool of the study is the interview form consisting of general information, thai trasitional and alternative medicine experience, the reason and the result. The interview form is examined by three academic people. The data, the general information and the kind of thai trasitional and alternative medicine are analyzed by frequency and percentage. The summary from the open-ended questions about the reason and the result are explained and presented. The result of the study is : female 56.2%, age 31-40 years old 26%, married 72%, primary graduation 81.25%, Buddhist 100%, golden card holder 55%, income 0-5,000 Baht 69%, constant disease of the patients is arthritis. The kind of alternative medicine is : herb 24.2%, massage 16.9%, praying 12%, chanting 11%, seeing monks 9.6%, meditation 6%, vitamin intake 5.6%, holy ritual 5.2% and supplementary diet intake 4.7%. The discussion of the study is that the patients like to use herb which is related to the life style of Surin people who live in the suburb and are interested in using herb. The interesting viewpoint is that the patients like to buy herb from the peddlers in the village. Some herb is useless but expensive and cause the patients a lot of money and make them late to receive the medical cure in hospital. Some herb is mixed with steroid and is eaten with compound medicine. Therefore, there should be a strong campaign about using herb in the future.

ลิงค์ไปยังเว็ปหลัก(เอกสารฉบับเต็ม) : –
บทความสั้น(Text): –
ลิงค์ไปยังเว็ปหลัก(บทความขนาดสั้น) : –
เจ้าของงานวิจัย : วุฒิกนก วังโน และคณะ




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